Sunset Engagement | North Carolina | Lindsey + Chance

The sun dipped over the hills, on the piece of land in North Carolina, where Lindsey and Chance will one day build their home and where we captured their sunset engagement session. This land will hold so many of their memories and they will have so many photographs to look back on and remember where it all started. We are so excited for their wedding in the fall and to see how Erin Padgett Events transform the land into the perfect wedding spot! They will tie the knot at the top of the hill overlooking the rolling hills and then hold the reception at another spot under moonlight and string lights. It’s going to be so romantic!

Here is a little Short Story sexiness from their session below too! We loved roaming their little piece of heaven in North Carolina and spending the evening laughing our butts off!

I mean how sweet was that? Chance and Lindsey constantly were making each other laugh and definitely made our job easy.  And their land is so beautiful and will be the perfect location for their future home!

Sometimes people feel like they have to have all the bells and whistles for their engagement session when really you don’t! All you need is a place that holds meaning to you, some golden hour sunlight, and the love of you life! Focusing on our couple and their love is what is most important. Sometimes all the other stuff takes away from that.

Check out more of our sunset engagement sessions in North Carolina here!